uiVisibility method

Widget uiVisibility({
  1. required Widget child,
  2. Key? key,
  3. bool maintainState = false,
  4. bool maintainAnimation = false,
  5. bool maintainSize = false,
  6. bool maintainSemantics = false,
  7. bool maintainInteractivity = false,
  8. bool visible = true,

Provides the ability to show / hide a widget and setup how to treat other aspects of the widget.


Widget uiVisibility({
  required Widget child,
  Key? key,
  bool maintainState = false,
  bool maintainAnimation = false,
  bool maintainSize = false,
  bool maintainSemantics = false,
  bool maintainInteractivity = false,
  bool visible = true,
}) {
  return Visibility(
    key: key,
    maintainState: maintainState,
    maintainAnimation: maintainAnimation,
    maintainSize: maintainSize,
    maintainSemantics: maintainSemantics,
    maintainInteractivity: maintainInteractivity,
    visible: visible,
    child: child,